안녕하세요 NIH-KSA member 여러분,

오는 11 9일에 NIH-KSA 주체로 개최되는 11 생명과학/공학 학회에 여러분을 초대합니다.

아래 스케줄에 보시는 것과 같이, 저명하신 네 분의 연설과 NIH및 이 지역 과학자들의 새로운 연구 발표 (20 short talk) 이 있을 예정입니다.

작년과  달리 이번 년에는 우수한 Abstract/발표자는 임종식 박사상($500) 더불어, 많은 분들께 Abstract Award 수여될 예정이니 , 여러분의 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.

Short talk 연자로 발표하고자 하시는 분들은 106일까지 Abstract 제출 하여 주시길 바랍니다!

Submit Abstract to: Dr. Jaewoo Choi, (jaewoo.choi@nih.gov)

For questions, please contact Drs. Jaewoo Choi (jaewoo.choi@nih.gov) or Kyung S. Lee (kyunglee@mail.nih.gov)


Time: Sat Nov 9th, 2019 (8:00AM-5:30pm)

Place: Univ, of MD, Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology Research,

9600 Gudlesky Dr, Rockbille, MD, 20850


ABES Schedule

8:00-9:00         Registration and breakfast

9:00                 Welcome remarks: NIH-KSA president

9:05                 Welcome remarks: Korean embassy

9:10-10:00       Keynote Session I: Prof. Hongkun Park, Harvard University

Title: A Nanoscientist’s Journey to Biomedical Research

10:00-11:00    Bioscience Session I (5 short talks 10 min talk with 2 min Q & A)

11:00-11:10    Coffee break

11:10-12:10    Bioscience Session II (5 short talks, 10 min talk with 2 min Q & A)

12:10-1:30       Lunch (Table talk for career discussions)

  • Sue Goo Rhee, NHLBI/NIH, Former distinguished professor of Ewha Womans Univ and Yonsei Univ and First National Honor Scientist of Korea
  • Chan-Mo Park, Chancellor, PyongYang Univ. of Science and Technology, N. Korea and Former President of POSTECH
  • Hee-Yong Kim, NIAAA/NIH, Chief, Laboratory of Molecular Signaling
  • Eun-Suk Seo, Univ. of Maryland, Department of Physics.
  • Luke Oh, President of Korean-American Professional Association in Life Sciences
  • Namcheol Kim, U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention
  • Sang M. Chung, FDA
  • Youngsul Jeong, USPTO

1:30-2:15         Keynote Session 2: Dr. John Schiller, NIH distinguished investigator, NCI/NIH

Title: HPV virus-like particles: Nature’s nanoparticles for prevention and treatment of cancer

2:15-3:15         Bioscience session III (5 short talks, 10 min talk with 2 min Q & A)

3:15-3:25         Coffee break

3:25-4:25         Bioengineering session I (5 talks, 10 min talk with 2 min Q & A)

Chair: Dr. Donghun Park, Univ. of Maryland

4:25-4:55         Keynote Session 3: Dr. Johng Shik Rhim, Former Associate director, Center for Prostate Disease Research, USUHS

Title: Advances in human cell models for the study of cancer: 50 years of human cell transformation

4:55-5:15         Special session: Dr. Chan-Mo Park, Chancellor, PyongYang Univ. of Science and Technology, N. Korea and Former President of POSTECH

Title: How computers changed my life

5:15-5:30         Awards and closing remarks

6:00                 ABES dinner


Hello, this is Jaewoo Choi, a vice president of NIH-KSA.


I received many abstracts and I greatly thanked you all for participating in short talks.

Abstracts will be selected by NIH-KSA senior investigators blindly. They will only look at the quality of abstracts.

I will send an email separately to the selected speakers in the near future.

Just like last year, please note that the short talks and seminars will be in English.


This year, ABES will be held jointly with KAPAL Annual Conference (KAC), which will happen on 11/7/19-11/8/19 at the same place.

For more KAC information, please go to the registration link or KAPAL website (www.kapal.org).


The venue is provided by KAPAL and food will be provided by NIH-KSA for ABES meeting, so registration and everything will be free!

If you want to register for both KAC and ABES events, please go to the registration link below and register by 10/27/19.



To register, please click ticket button, and “Enter promo code” on the left top corner and use one of the following discount codes.

For example, all NIH-KSA members should use “NIHKSA” code, and tickets will be free. 


– Speakers: Speaker

– Sponsors: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Chair

– KAPAL members: KAPAL

– NIH-KSA members: NIHKSA

– Academia: Academia, postdoc, students


안녕하세요, NIH-KSA 부회장 최재우 입니다.


오는 11 9일에 NIH-KSA 주체로 개최되는 11 생명과학/공학 학회(Annual Bioscience and Engineering Symposium-ABES) 많은 분들이 Abstract 보내주셨습니다.

작년 보다 많은 분들이 Abstract 보내 주신 거에 감사드립니다. Abstract selection NIH-KSA senior investigator 분들이 오로지 Abstract 내용만으로 blind selection 예정입니다.

Abstract/초록이 선택된 분들은 따로 제가 이메일을 보낼 예정입니다.

예전과 같이 학회의 모든 순서와 세미나는 영어로 진행됩니다.


작년과 같이 이번 ABES (11/9) KAPAL Annual Conference-KAC (11/7-11/8) 연달아 같은 장소에서 합니다.

장소는 KAPAL 에서 제공을 하고, 당일 (11/9) 모든 음식은 NIH-KSA에서 지원 하기 때문에 모든 비용은 무료입니다.

KAC 대한 자세한 내용은 registration link 혹은 카팔 웹사이트(www.kapal.org) 가셔서 확인 부탁드립니다.


참석 예상 인원을 파악하기 위해, ABES KAC학회에 참여하시고 싶은 분들은10 27일까지 아래 등록 사이트에서 등록해주시면 감사하겠습니다.


Registration site (until 10/27)




사이트에 가셔서 ticket 버튼을 클릭하시고, 왼쪽 위에 “enter promo code” 누르신후 해당되는 code 적으시면 무료로 티켓을 받고 register 됩니다.

– Speakers: Speaker

– Sponsors: Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Chair

– KAPAL members: KAPAL

– NIH-KSA members: NIHKSA

– Academia: Academia, postdoc, students


NIH-KSA member 분들은 NIHKSA code 쓰시면 무료로 티켓을 받고 register 됩니다.
