Please register to join to make our symposium successful. You are the most important our member can make this together! (Not only the trainees but also Senior PIs and Scientists too.  Also encourage to, Clinician/ Clinician-Scientist/Nurse/any Clinical Center Staffs to helps our Patient and Clinical Research). Also bring your colleague/friend (not necessary Korean or Korean-American) to introduce Korean Community and enjoy our Symposium with Han-sik dinner and networking.

Participating Saturday (10/28/23) Lunch for mentoring: there will be many mentors from various career you are thinking to improve. Find your own mentor and make the connection during this lunch time. We highly encourage to the this event for your own benefit. Committee will share the list of mentors as become available. (There will be surprise price for that~~)

Please also your sharing comments or questions to

Attachments: updated agenda and abstract submission

Just feel free.

Thank you,


  1. Registration is open
  2. See final location from below map: from SW 301 to Theatre Arts Building (TA) /MC
  3. Abstract format to submit (see attachment): Please follow the contents (NOTE: Please be aware that the organizing committee will contact you on how to prepare your presentation after submission closing. Wait for the email notification after your submission is done)
  4. Promo Code to Use as of today: Please use new code for NIH-KSA and use NIHKSA and for KWiSE use NIHKWISE (see attachment; please see the step by step procedure)
  5.  For registration, please click below:



다가오는 10월 27 일 (금요일)과 10월  28일(토요일) 양일에 걸쳐 개최되는 한미생명과학인 협회 (카팔) 연례 컨퍼런스 KAPAL Annual Conference (KAC*)와 Joint Annual Symposium for NIH-KSA and KWiSE에 여러분을 초대합니다.

올해의 주제는 “Empowering Global Collaboration & Strategy in the Future of Life Science” 로 다양한 각도에서의 발표들과 세션/네트워크 등을 통해, 생명과학분야의 국제협력에 보탬이 되고자 준비하였습니다.

10월 27일 개최되는 카팔 연례학회는 신약 연구, 개발 및 상용화 관련 전문가들이 모여 신약연구 및 개발, 물질 특허 및 미국 내 임상 시험에 대한 사례 등의 의견을 서로 교환하고 소통하기 위한 컨퍼런스 입니다. 더불어 한국과 미국간 바이오 공동 사업을 추진하고 인재 채용 및 교류에 적극적으로 동참하여, 양국의 바이오 산업 발전에 기여하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.

카팔은 NIH와 FDA뿐 아니라 규모가 큰 다수의 바이오 회사가 위치한 메릴랜드의 지리적인 이점을 활용하여 이번 연례학회를 통해 다양한 바이오, 신약개발 산업 관련 연구자들 뿐 아니라 관련 산업 종사자들 간의 활발한 정보 교환 및 네트워킹을 기대하고 있습니다.

특별히 제7회 카팔 연례학회는 아래의 주제들을 중심으로 프로그램을 준비하였습니다.

·       Exit strategy: Public Market in Korea and the US

·       Preparation for Bio and Healthcare Fundraising in the US (Investment)

·       Strategy for Global Collaboration in the US

·       IP & Regulatory Strategy in Bio-Industry

·       Global Strategy for Commercialization with Government Organization

·       Regulatory Strategies in Drug Development

카팔 연례학회는 한미 양국의 기관 및 기업의 지원을 받아 매년 개최되고 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 행사 웹사이트(를 참조해 주시고, 질문과 건의사항은 contact@kapal.org로 문의바랍니다.

*KAPAL 멤버가 되시면 KAC 등록시 등록비 할인을 받으실 수 있습니다.


For registration, please click below:


Discount code: KAPAL (please make sure to click the ‘apply’ button in the ‘promo code’ section)

**KAC 현장에서 KSEA (Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, 회원가입을 무료로 지원 할 예정입니다.

등록 후 현장 참석자에 한해서 한국인삼공사에서 후원하는 소정의 기념품을 증정할 예정입니다.


13th Annual Bioscience and Engineering Symposium (ABES) by
NIH-KSA and 2023 KWiSE Joint Annual Symposium by NIH and DC Chapter

10월 28일에 개최되는 행사는 NIH-KSA (Korean Scientist Association) 그리고 KWISE (Korean-American Women in Science & Engineering)에서 준비하는 심포지엄으로, NIH에서 연구하시는 한인 과학자분들을 중심으로, 인근 지역 (DMV)의 과학자/학생들을 포함, 원천기술과 연구를 발표함과 동시에 차세대 과학자 로서의 역량개발을 목적으로 하는 심포지엄입니다.

올해는 특히 환자 중심의 임상이행 연구들을 중심으로 하는 발표들을 준비하여 국제 협력이라는 모토에 맞게, 이 발표들을 통해 현장내에서의 국제 협력들이 이루어 지길 바래 봅니다.새로운 관점에서 보는 생명과학이라는 세션을 통해 기존과 다른 사고로 보는 생명과학의 미래도 재미있게 보고 들으실 수 있으리라 기대해 봅니다. 2023년에 이룬 다양한 생명과학분야의 연구업적 등을 발표함으로써 앞으로의 혁신 신약개발의 발판이 되는 심포지엄이니 많은 관심과 참여 바랍니다.

둘째 날 행사의 질문과 건의사항은 lisa.kim2@nih.gov로 문의바랍니다.

아래는 근처 호텔 정보 입니다.
참고 부탁드립니다.

Hotel Information (miles from the venue)

1. Cambria Hotel Rockville (1.6 miles)
2. Hilton Garden Inn Rockville-Gaithersburg (3.2 miles)
3. Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center (3.9 miles)
4. Courtyard by Marriott Gaithersburg Washingtonian Center (4.1 miles)


The 7th KAPAL Annual Conference (10/27, Friday) & the 13th Annual Bioscience and Engineering Symposium (ABES) by NIH-KSA and 2023 KWiSE Joint Annual Symposium by NIH and DC Chapter (10/28, Saturday)

You are cordially invited to the 7th KAPAL Annual Conference and the Joint Annual Symposium for NIH-KSA and KWiSE. Over the past four years, the conference has grown steadily, with an increasing number of participants from Korea and U.S.
Last year, approximately 200 attendees and over 50 companies came together from multiple disciplines in the life sciences: the healthcare industry, academia, and public research institutions, such as FDA and NIH.

The KAPAL Annual Conference aims to provide business opportunities through collaboration among professionals and companies in drug development and life science. We strive to facilitate the exchange of innovative ideas and strategies for success across the healthcare industry. This year’s conference will be more informative and synergistic for the growth of US-Korea collaboration in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology.

The7th KAPAL Annual Conference will provide opportunities to:

·       Exit strategy: Public Market in Korea and the US

·       Preparation for Bio and Healthcare Fundraising in the US (Investment)

·       Strategy for Global Collaboration in the US

·       IP & Regulatory Strategy in Bio-Industry

·       Global Strategy for Commercialization with Government Organization

·       Regulatory Strategies in Drug Development

You can find more information and updates at Please direct any inquiries and feedback to

*When you become a KAPAL member, you can get a discount for KAC registration.


For registration, please click below:


Discount code: KAPAL (please make sure to click the ‘apply’ button in the ‘promo code’ section)

Only on-site attendees will be given a small souvenir sponsored by the KOREAN RED GINSENG CORP.

13th Annual Bioscience and Engineering Symposium (ABES) by NIH-KSA and 2023 KWiSE Joint Annual Symposium by NIH and DC Chapter

NIH-Korean Scientist Association (KSA) and Korean-American Women in Science & Engineering (KWiSE)  are organizing the Joint Annual Symposium under titled “Empowering Global Collaboration & Strategy in the Future of Life
on October 28th. The theme of the conference is “Global Collaboration in Life Science”. The second day program will  emphasize for the NIH Clinical Research and Support along with Biomedical Science. Speakers from Korea will facilitate this global collaboration efforts through the sessions/networking.

The symposium focuses on fundamental research and early discovery in life science. Many exciting findings and reports are to be presented, which may become a platform for new drug development. There will be career development presentations as well to share experiences and tips for all who are interested in the next opportunity. For more information, refer to

Below is the hotel information near the venue.

Hotel Information (miles from the venue)
1. Cambria Hotel Rockville (1.6 miles)
2. Hilton Garden Inn Rockville-Gaithersburg (3.2 miles)
3. Gaithersburg Marriott Washingtonian Center (3.9 miles)
4. Courtyard by Marriott Gaithersburg Washingtonian Center (4.1 miles)

Welook forward to meeting you at the 7th KAPAL Annual Conference and the Joint Annual Symposium for NIH-KSA and KWiSE

The KAPAL, NIH-KSA and KWiSE committee